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Writer's pictureEdwin Janney


When all the toils of days roll by,

And thunders grinding shock subsides,

We lay to bed our weary selves,

We sing our tools a lullaby,

To sleep awhile, to take a nap,

For time so like the wind flies fast,

And all so soon a year transpires ….

And all soon a year subsides …..

At the sound of horns and throb of drums,

We do with our hearts assemble,

To witness not a roaring storm,

But to sup and dine from all our yields,

To join our hands, our souls, our minds,

To knit our hearts and join the song,

That all that lacked next year shall bring,

And all that licked next year would seal,

So make a joyful noise this day, for

All so soon a year transpires …..

And all soon a year subsides ......

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