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Writer's pictureEdwin Janney

Extended Hand

Prosperity you shall not see,

In a people, a nation’s tomorrow,

From extended hand exchanges,

Not to pull to enhance our efforts,

But thrusting you above,

The hard work of others.

We will not bridge disparity,

Of haves and have nots,

If in greed we routinely squander

where we have not abounded,

Eating up a bigger piece,

Of the cake for all intended.

If for breakfast, lunch and supper,

We bribe, steal, corrupt our very air,

And pass on to our heirs, our children,

The torch to find their tomorrow,

In turbulent waters to cast out their nets,

They may not even find tomorrow.

Great lands and men that thrived,

Raised high the stakes of society,

Adding to the stores of our values,

Building bridges, holding hands,

And every worthy endeavor, they pursued,

Were not sort in, bribery and corruption.

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