It is sometimes said,
And in our minds laid,
That ladies like bad boys,
Who to most are not toys.
We all know the bad boys,
With all their instant ploys,
Their unwelcome jesters,
And unpermitted pesters.
Do not ladies sometimes say,
That any price they will pay,
For “MR RIGHT” in heart and mind,
When they find his kind.
But it amazes my wondering heart,
Why they deliver their hearts,
To the bad boys well announced,
With their lights well pronounced.
Bad boys are unambiguous,
Right boys too can be ambiguous,
Bad boys are uncouth, but straight up,
While good boys kiss up.
Nmaa pe Nkwasiafour (Bad boys)
Because they are to them, “obour” (Rock)
You may not approve their ways,
But to some ladies for that moment, it pays.