Words, when with our voice we choose to deliver,
To an eager ear, even if in whisper we deliver,
Our words to ourselves, to some can empower,
To build hopes and to life give much power,
And can present, in drought, abundant rain,
For life anew to breath, and to release much gain.
Words, fly out our mouths like sparrows,
Other times, they shoot out our mouths like arrows,
And even when they crawl out can aquiver,
Their sting and kiss, the same they deliver,
In deed and thought they arouse emotions,
Subjecting our thoughts to endless devotions.
Words, its puissance when released,
Can grant breathe to a life once deceased,
Can help, hinder humiliate as well as heal,
And can our hearts unknown secrets reveal,
Can make or break, touch and teach,
Can hearts break, other hearts can reach.
Words once unleashed, can be forgiven,
Not forgotten, even if by heart you are driven,
Even when to you not much may mean,
To some in life will stick and beam,
Yes, free to use, yet when your stock is emptied,
The cost sometimes cannot be tallied.
But let me at least to myself grant attention,
The many greats, words do that we mention,
For it can be the rain that nurtures flowers,
And in due season, present bright summers,
A kind word when lent to a trembling ear,
Costs little yet can dispel a lingering fear.
How many times have we not been,
And on distant lands have our eyes not seen,
A bright and beautiful damsel surrender,
Her heart, her love so earnest and tender,
And unlock the gates to her paradise,
To words from someone to share her paradise.
Yet why do we greatly marvel,
And sink our heads in gravel,
Working hard our minds to comprehend,
Our heads straining wide to apprehend,
From whence the thrust and power of words,
Be they spoken, written in any form, as just words.
We know from old when our world began,
When it all from the beginning began,
It all was void and seemingly amorphous,
The up and downs without form yes amorphous,
Then with words released our world he created,
With all within, all great and perfectly mounted.
The beast, our tongue, few can master,
For when unchained can spell disaster,
So proceed with words with utmost caution,
And with each wave and every granted motion,
Speak words of kindness, loving, and life-uplifting,
As did our maker, with words to us, Life-giving.