In treading the paths of our very lives,
With pastures green perceived in sight,
Piecing together the pieces in this Jigsaw puzzle,
To ascertain the heights of your most height,
Could come in sweat, in tears in laughs and smiles,
All packaged in the pieces of the same jigsaw puzzle,
At start it all appears seemingly simple,
When the big pieces can quickly be rounded up,
And regardless of how you start, it caters to your flow,
As is such with infant tender babies at the dawn of life,
You eat, you sleep, you play and you pee plus more,
With not much to digest but what your stomach receives.
Then as you begin to ascend the hills of life,
The roller-coasters begins to run their course,
As bits of the puzzle seem to be threading together,
With the rhythm of your thought and your action in sync,
Excitement begins to mount as the picture keeps building,
And it appears the end is nearer, sooner than predicted.
Then the stench of stagnant water sets in,
And you are at a standstill, perplexed frustrated,
Searching so hard for that tiny little piece,
Shuffling and shuffling looking for the piece,
Combing the corners of this puzzling universe,
Knowing for sure it could not have travelled elsewhere.
In puzzle pieces we find symbols,
Of facets of our lives, whether big or small,
Whether flavored with pomp or pageantry,
Perplexing, disappointing or demoralizing,
That should hold hands to come together,
To make a coherent puzzle picture in the end.
Yet patience is the greater virtue,
Perseverance is right in line with patience,
Not abandoning the course, no matter how long,
Persistent in your focus not forgetting prayer,
No matter how gloomy or crawling it gets sometimes,
Keep moving, knowing the missing piece is somewhere near.