If not for the video camara
A painful, daunting past
Even to this day and era
Cannot be shoved in the past
If not for smartphone lookouts
That caught it all on tape
We would have missed out
On this rage and terrible hate
Bullets rage from bad policing
Aimed to a Blackman’s back
Unarmed and for dear life fleeing
No chance to seek his life back
How many have perished
A which a camara could not capture
That we still in heart do cherish
As we cry to transform this culture
Yes, Black lives should matter
Was that not his dream
If all of life should matter
Why then all this steam
No disdain for the policeman
Who seeks the law to uphold
But more the lawman
With much of hate to unfold
Not so fast this time cowboy
No Justice, No Peace
No room no more for this ploy
We will take to the street